
Drawing of broad wheeled Sussex waggon as used in the counties Sussex & Kent, Southern England circa 1700-1930

Manuscript entitled: "Charcoal Burning in the Forest of Dean by Herbert Curwen"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

Vorlesung uber theoretische Mechanik by Christian Felix Klein

Volume entitled; "Note sur les moteurs a petrole pour sous-marins"

'Portfolio of photographs of Marine Engines, Boilers & Machinery'

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Albums documenting the laying of the Trans-Pacific cables

Letter from Otto Lilienthal to T J Bennett and 20 Contemporary Photographs

Summons for exceeding speed limit of 12 miles an hour with a light locomotive on 19 July 1903

Papers of William Laight Applin

Volume entitled: "Structural Air Raid Protection in England and Abroad"

Collection of newspaper cuttings in 'Newspaper Cuttings' embossed album

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

"Catalogue of the costly modern Engineers' Tools, Plant & Machinery"

Portfolio of result traces, summaries of results and notes relating to repetition by Boys of the 'Cavendish experiment'

Notebooks kept by C.V. Boys when repeating the 'Cavendish Experiments'

Volume entitled: "Helical Epicycloids and Derivatives"

Lockwood's index of United States telephone patents to Dec. 31, 1900

Albums documenting the laying of submarine cables (Sierra Leone-Ascension, Durban-Mauritius)

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Crusiers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Plan of Hold

Drawing entitled 'Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Arrangement of Pumping Flooding & Draining &c'

Drawing entitled 'Sail Plan of H.M. Colonial Cruisers Tauranga & Ringarooma'

Photograph entitled 'Monoplane - Top Front View in Studio, on Launching Frame'

Automobile Gearing

Automobile Motor Cam Shaft, Valve Spindles & Gearing

Photograph entitled 'T J Bennett Holding Framework of Large Trapezoidal Kite Approximately 14ft Long'

Photograph entitled 'Glider: Erected - 3/4 Rear View'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Tauranga" & "Ringarooma": Piping Arrangements'

Photograph entitled 'Monoplane - Front View in Studio, Simulating Flight'

Drawing entitled 'Colonial Crusier "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Rigging Plan

Photograph entitled 'Hiram Maxim's Test Rig at Baldwyn's Park - Distant Rear View'

Photograph entitled 'Sir Hiram Maxim Holding Folded Paper Sheet to Illustrate Stability of Wing Configuration'

Drawing showing H.M. Colonial Crusier 'Ringarooma'

Drawing entitled 'Colonia Crusiers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & Wallaroo" Arrangement of Watertight Compartments, Doors, Sluice Valves &c'

Drawing entitled 'Lines of H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Tauranga" and "Ringarooma"'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Arrangement of W.T. Compartments, Pumping, Draining &c'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonia Cruisers "Tauranga" & "Ringarooma" Piping Arrangement

Photograph entitled 'Box-Kite Model - 3/4 Front View of One Wing Framework, Uncovered'

Watford Railway Mission Plans and Specifications

Drawing showing H.M. Colonial Crusier 'Ringarooma'

Volume No 3: 1893 July 12 – 1894 January 23

Photograph entitled 'Box-Kite Model - 3/4 View of Complete Model'

Drawing entitled 'H.M. Colonial Cruisers "Katoomba", "Mildura" & "Wallaroo" Elevation, Poop Deck and Forecastle Deck'

Photograph entitled 'Hiram Maxim's Test Rig at Baldwyn's Park - Rear View'

Photograph entitled 'Glider: Erected - Side View'

Volume No 2: 1892 October 20 – 1893 July 14

Total Abstinence Association Member's Card

Elevation of Steel Bulkhead